Tuesday, February 22, 2022

20 Minute 2 Meter Ugly Antenna

I bought a home brew 2 meter J-Pole antenna for $15 last summer.  I have tried it with multiple radios with no luck.  I could receive but not transmit.  After much trial and error, 20 minutes before our club tech net call this past Sunday, I decided maybe my problem was the antenna and not the radios (I spent most of my time navigating the mysteries of the 2 meter rig menus and wondering maybe I had not set something correctly).

I had mounted the J-Pole on a 9' wooden pole.  I took it down, did some back of the envelope calculations and cut four 20" lengths of antenna wire.  I stapled one of them to the 9' pole for the radiating element and soldered it to the center of the PL239 connector.  I put ring lugs at one end of the other three wires and bolted them to the holes on the connector and let them hang down as return radials.  

I was on the air in 20 minutes and participating in the tech net.


  • Thee is close to 6' of really nice copper tubing in the J-Pole antenna.  In these inflationary times, $15 is a good deal.  I will cut it down and build a proper 2 meter vertical with four return radials with correct down sloping angle.
  • I now know why our club president does not like these antennas.
Here is a picture of my 20 minute, 2 meter, ugly antenna.

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